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Mobile Legends Lancelot "Bren Esports" Skin Trailer - The M2 Champion Skin is Coming Soon

As the M2 World Champion, Bren Esports will have a skin named after it. Lancelot as one of the most significant heroes used by this champion team was chosen to be wearing this skin. Here are some more details about this skin.


About the skin model, Lancelot wears a mainly black clothing with yellow linings. Bren Esports is known for its black and yellow coloring which is also seen on their logo. Lancelot's weapon is color yellow with black handle.


The skill effects of this skin is also inspired by Bren Esports' logo. The logo itself can actually be seen at the end of Lancelot's ultimate skill with this skin. The splash effects of this skin are color yellow.


Not only this skin but also the related battle emote was also featured in the trailer. While exhibiting this skin's skill effects, every time Lancelot gets a kill, a flag that has the name Bren on it appears on top of the hero killed which features the Elimination effects.


Here is the official Youtube video trailer:

This skin is definitely a must-have so players should look out for the official release of this skin.

Tune in for more news and updates!
